I think people view me as a cold human being who doesnt like to make new friends...
But I beg to differ...
I have a problem in making new friends & I dont really socialised well...
& due to this, ppl thinks that I am an anti-social guy who hates everything & anything...
But I cant help it, I really cant do it or let alone make the first move...
Help me please!!!...
Im already depressed as it is as I've no friends...
In my mind now keeps thinking that ppl has labeled me as the anti-social loner...
Well Im NOT!!!
Im just kinda boring...literally...
Yan danced till dawn at 4:21 AM
I've just watched the hindi movie: "My Name Is Khan, I Am Not A Terrorist." and this is what inspired me to blog about.
In this world, there is only two types of person, a good human being & a bad human beings. In this characteristic, it leaves no place for Religion. It is all about the attitude of the human beings. I say this because, we always look down on this that we fail to understand & also afraid of. eg. the blacks are looked down by the whites in the past, just because they are black, the whites thinks that they are filthy & are not recognized as an equal of them, if you look whitin your atmosphere, there will be others who look down upon other races, just like what I encountered in my past, where the chinese accidently insult an indian or malay for being black, as a joke. another example is happening today...
The muslims and their religion Islam is looked down and even given the title of terrorist. Again, I would like to emphasized that ppl do this because they failed to understand. Yes, I do agree with ppl that most terrorist are muslims, but I would like to say also that "Most Muslims, are NOT Terrosrist."
This happens why? Terrosrist are led to believe in a belief system whereby the world should be ruled anew, be it due to religion, animosity, hatred et cetera.
However, in the case of JI or whatever their organization may be, they are led to believe that Islam should rule the world and that is why, Indonesia, Iraq are various countries, each has this organisation to carry out that aim.
And this led the world to believe that the religion Islam is the cause of this bombings & killings. Islam however is actually the opposite of what the world has been led to believe...look around you dear human beings, look for those muslims, try to understand them, some may smile at you, some may hate you & some, will just shy away from you...now why is this so?
Thos who smiled, are trying to show that they are not a Terrorist. Those who show hatred, is because they are angry because you faild to understand them. & for those who shy away, is either they are regretfull of what their muslim brothers did or they are fearfull that you will show some anger that they dont really understand.
What Im trying to say is that, just because of some hundred muslims terrorist, why must other muslim that goes by the billions suffer? Why must the whold flock of sheep be slauhtered just because of one black sheep?
Like the previous paragraph, we must not be measued by our religion or race or what ever we may possessed, Instead we must be measured by our character, or "good or bad" so be said. I am a muslim, & I may not be a good one, but I am led to feel the pain of my brothers & sisters who suffer at the hands of ppl who failed to understand...
For those who are faithfull(addressing all religions), do not judge us merely becuase of the accident of 9/11, pls judge us by the goodness of our heart, if we talked it out, you can very well see that we muslims are not that supportive of those terrorist who call war for the reason of jihad.
For my muslim brothers & sisters, DO NOT SUPPORT those terrorist, instead of believing in their words, look down on the quran & u may see that God does NOT support them either. instead, be ever more strong in your IMAN, & support your so called Kafir brothers & sisters in fighting the Terrorist.
I am Yan, & I am not a Terrorist.
Yan danced till dawn at 6:57 AM