Saturday, January 31, 2009
But what is the meaning behind valentines day toady? We celebrate it with our bf & gf. But don put your hopes down for those of you with no companions, you can still celebrate it with your families & frens.
Like I always said, Love knows no boundaries, if sky is the limit, then there will be no stars(wat am I talking about!?!) What I'm trying to say is tat, you may be gay or les to be in love, you may be black or white, you may be older or younger; love transcends us all!!!
What is love? This qns has been asked thousands of generation before us & it will continue to be ask after. Even I ask such things. But the ans actually depends on what you are actually asking for? You may ask for the love of ur family, or you may ask for the love of ur frens, or you may ask for true love.
Now, I will ask what will love do to me? Is it real or just a fantasy? Will I able to have it? There are just millions more to ask, alas, I have to be oblivious to it because of my "condition". If I were to hav my true love, will it sweep me off my feet to realm of fantasy and hope to remain there forever?
But enough about me!!! You must have a very pleasant Valentine. I Hope & wish & pray that on this day, you my friends will find your true love & find the ans to your qns.
Again, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! to you all!!!
Yours Heart-tyly,
As'sakhtian Arwen Orwens.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009