Here are the celebration that we witches celebrate...witches out there, incase u dont know...u can check them out.
Sabbat: Yule
Also Known as: Winter Solstice
Date: 21 December (Northern Hemisphere)
Associations: Rebirth and blessings of the sun. It is a time of letting go of the past and of reflecting and building personal strength, protection and integration.
Sabbat: Imbolc
Also known as: Candlemas or Bridget's Fire
Date: 2 February (Northern Hemisphere)
Associations: Sacred fire, rekindling of magickal or personal goals in ones life. This is a good time to start projects and think about what you want in your life.
Sabbat: Spring Equinox
Also known as: Hertha's Day and Ostara
Date: 21 March (Northern Hemisphere)
Associations: This is a time for planting seeds and ideas for the coming year. This is the perfect time for bridging gaps in your life and to take the time to learn from nature.
Sabbat: BeltaneAlso known as: May Day
Date: 1 May (Northern Hemisphere)
Associations: A time of youth and playfulness. This is the time for increasing fertility, sexuality, union and romance. This is one of the Sabbats with a lot of energy.
Sabbat: Summer Solstice
Also known as: Midsummer and Letha's Day
Date: 21 June (Northern Hemisphere)
Associations: This is a time for honoring the ancestors and faerie folk. It is also a good day for forming new alliances with otherworldly beings and creatures.
Sabbat: Lughnassad
Also known as: Lammas
Date: 1 August (Northern Hemisphere)
Associations: This time of year is good for mastering any skills you may have learnt or to start learning new things. This is also a good time of year for joining together, handfastings and to start harvesting your goals.
Sabbat: Autumnal Equinox
Also known as: Hellith's day and Mabon
Date: 21 September (Northern Hemisphere)
Associations: This is the turning point in your life. It is when personal goals manifest as well as a time to prepare and set up new patterns for the future.
Sabbat: Samhain
Also known as: Halloween, Hallowmass, All Hallow's Eve
Date: 31 October (Northern Hemisphere)
Associations: This is the day when veils between our world and others are at the thinnest. This is a good time for communications with ancestors and otherworldly beings, and completing all unfinished business with the universe.