Thursday, November 29, 2007
Hi, I'm As'sakhtian Arwen Orwens Bin As'ari Orwens.
I woul like to tell you about my friend...
He's the type of guy who like to keep things to himself...when somebody scolds he or tease he,
he'll just keep quiet!!! Nice you say??Well behind that face that listens...he actually kept it in the heart...Then later,he'll go to a place where nobody is around,
he'll use those words to scold himself again....for what?? I've no idea
He always has these feelings of uncertainty in him!!!
He used to feeled that he is not loved by his family...although now it has been cleared but when somebody in his family scolds or does not belive will know what happened!!!
He's always confused if his friends are true in befriending him or is it that they just wants to be friends with him for the sake of pity!!!
He also feels that he should not be born in this world because of the unfairness god has given him...
How I know him you say?? Well that boy is 'ME'!!!...
To know more...wait for the next story where he/I will vent his/my anger or sadness....
Yan danced till dawn at 12:33 AM